Kim Colavito Markesich

UConn College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources Online Blog


December 2019

• Meet undergraduate student Alexa Kugler

• Natural Resources and the Environment and USGS study groundwater nitrogen in Farmington River watershed

November 2019

• Meet undergraduate student Dana Chamberlain

• Meet undergraduate student Moises Hernandez-Rivera

• Meet undergraduate student Erin Flajnik

October 2019

• Exercise physiologist develops therapies to slow the aging process

• Animal scientist studies effects of maternal nutrition on offspring

Remote sensing expert studies relationship between land change and climate change

• Physical therapist develops assistive technologies for developmentally disabled young adults

September 2019

• Meet new Extension faculty member Bill Davenport

• Economists’ reports show impacts of Connecticut’s agricultural industries

August 2019

• Meet alumna Brittany Florio

• Kimberly Rollins appointed head of Agricultural and Resource Economics

• Extension educator screens Connecticut newborns for metabolic disorders

July 2019

Meet alumnus Luigi Sartori

• Pathobiology lab developed test for Apollo 11 moon rocks

May 2019

• Meet alumni Joyce and David Hart

• Meet alumnus Matthew Bagshaw

April 2019

Research shows yoga breathing and relaxation lower blood pressure

March 2019

• Graduate student researches microorganisms in artisanal cheese

• Senior honors student conducts research in MIT cancer research lab

February 2019

• Meet new faculty member Abhi Upadhyay

• New head appointed for Department of Nutritional Sciences

January 2019

• Economists study consumer preference for locally produced milk

• Meet new faculty member Sungmin Lee

• Meet new faculty member Sohyun Park

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